
Info on Oujezd, Aujezd, Ujest, and Ujezd

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I am seeking information for my Grandfather Josef Burianek. He was from Oujezd, Moravia. When he was born , this area was part of Austria-Hungary. Then became Czechoslovakia, Then Czech republic. When I do searches , should I lookunder Austria-Hungary, Czechoslovakia or Czech republic for Birth, baptism, etc. Any clues would be helpful



Anthony, Thanks for the info. I couldn’t find my relatives. Is there a similar archive for szepes bela?


The family records you are looking for are in the Opava archive, which are available online for free at:

Here is the link for the village Ujezd:…

Once you select the register of interest, you will see a little book at the righthand side of your screen, which you will need to click with your mouse, in order to view the digital scan of the records. Note that you will need to interpret the handwriting script of the digital images.

Good luck! Tony Kadlec CGSI Corresponding Secretary/Research Coordinator